Saturday, April 21, 2012

Money transfer to the next level, in real time

FLASHremit LogoHow would it be if we could transfer money to our dear ones, living back in our homeland, real time? Sounds unbelievable, but true. Today money transfer has come to a point, where it can be credited in to bank accounts within seconds, thanks to the strides taken by technology.
FLASHremit, the facility for real time account credit, is the result of one such innovative stride, taken by UAE Exchange. This facility enables us, expatriates, to credit money in to the bank account of our dear ones in real time, taking money transfer to the next level. As value addition UAE Exchange also sends instant SMS notification to both sender and receiver, the moment money is credited in its destination bank account.

FLASHremit comes with the security assurance of the World’s Trusted Money Transferrer, which has a successful track record of over three decades. The facility is currently available in India, Nepal, Philippines and Sri Lanka. Many banks in these countries have partnered and endorsed FLASHremit. Thanks to the value UAE Exchange had been delivering to its more than 150 global banking partners, more banks, from across countries, have shown interest to partner for FLASHremit.
This facility is but the new dimension of the money transfer process. Thanks to technological innovations, money can reach our dear ones within seconds and that is a real blessing for us, expatriates, who are constantly concerned about the comfort of our dear ones, back home. The promise of FLASHremit is really a big relief.

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