It’s a moment of celebration, yet again, for UAE Exchange as Mr. Y Sudhir Kumar Shetty, COO – Global Operations, won the Achievers Award 2014 in entrepreneurship category for his exemplary contribution in his profession. Established by Human Achievers Foundation, Delhi, India, Achievers Award recognises professionals from various fields, who have done exemplary work in their spheres in the past year.
Mr. Sudhir’s penchant for excellence, professionalism and philanthropy have won him several accolades in the past including NRI Of The Year Award, Global Personality Award, Mayura Award, Vishwamaanya Award and Akshaya Global Award to name a few. Under his able leadership, UAE Exchange too had won prestigious awards from various quarters over the years.
Human Achievers Foundation has been set up with the single objective of appreciating excellence from all over the world and to inspire further excellence among the youth. In this regard, the foundation organises this event annually, recognising the achievers in their field.
The award ceremony, held at IIC, Delhi on 14th September, 2014, was graced by various dignitaries and eminent personalities, celebrities and the Media.
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نقدم خدمات قروض عالمية المستوى على مدار 24 ساعة. للاستفسارات / الأسئلة؟ - إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى | | أو راسلنا على WhatsApp: +4915758108767 | & تلقي الرد في لحظة.
لا تحتاج عائلتك وأصدقائك وزملائك إلى معرفة أنك تعاني من نقص في السيولة النقدية ، ما عليك سوى الكتابة إلينا وستحصل على قرض.
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